5 Motivational Tips from our Founder Tamika Bickham

Ready to get lifted? Whether you are continuing on your entrepreneurial journey, building your brand, or taking a new leap – here’s that extra motivation you’ll need to lean all the way in! Check out these 5 Motivational Tips from our Founder, Tamika Bickham.

The entrepreneurial journey is not an easy path, but pursuing the art of storytelling to help brands boost their online presence was ultimately what Tamika wanted to do.

“What feels good to you? Throughout the journey, and, yeah, keep telling stories. Because at the end of the day, that’s what’s going to attract people to you.” -Tamika Bickham

Check out Tamika’s interview with Patrina Wisdom on the Living Room Wisdom podcast. Tamika dives into her journalism background and the inspiration behind launching TB Media Group!

“It all happened because I took a chance and didn’t sit back and wait. I went for the thing that I really wanted, regardless of how intimidating it felt in the moment.”

Where are all of our risk-takers? 

Tamika never considered herself to be someone with high risk tolerance, but in her talk with Canvas Rebel she discusses one of the first big risks she took that landed her a highly coveted role (at the time) with CNN, her dream internship. Read more here!

Friendly reminder: It’s ok to talk about you. If you won’t, why would anyone else?

Tamika could have never expected things to be as INSANE as they have been over the last few years of her business journey, but she’s heard from coaches, mentors, and friends who have been here to lean into it and enjoy the process — because when you’re like her, you never enjoy being on the side.

There is no other side.

There is always a new height to reach, a new mountain to climb, a new goal to accomplish. So she’s enjoyed being in this state of madness — new opportunities — busy-ness — challenges — and yes growth.

Your voice is valuable! 

This was one of Tamika’s messages on her personal branding session she led in May. 

Are one of these holding you back from sharing your voice?

  1. You think someone else is already doing what you do and doing it better.
  2. You think your impact is small.
  3. You think that people don’t want to hear about what you are doing.