Our Approach

Tamika Workout Pose

Our Approach

Get To Know Our "Why"

At TB Media Group, we believe in empowering communities by telling stories that positively impact the world. 

We're a team of journalists who believe in honest, trustworthy, and authentic brand storytelling that builds trust and loyalty, ultimately leading to long-term relationships with your audience.

Customers who love a brand story are 55% more likely to buy their product. 44% are more likely to share the story with others. (Headstream)

Whether you’re looking to fundraise for your important cause, build more brand awareness around your CSR initiatives, or engage on a deeper level with your audience, we know that nonfiction video storytelling is one of the fastest ways to do that.

In fact, viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to 10% when reading it in the text. (Insivia)

We pride ourselves on having a team of writers and content creators who all come from a journalism background with over 75 years of combined experience. And you know what? We love working with partners who are also values-aligned.

Our Core Values

Our Core Values

Prioritize Good Health

Without our health, what do we have? NADA.

Inspire Happiness

We believe we all have a purpose, and when we are inspiring others to find their purpose, we live our happiest lives.

Human Connection is always essential

Period. That's what we do. And we do it by sharing real stories of real people.

You can't expect someone else to tell your story if you don't tell it first!

"You can't expect someone else to tell your story if you don't tell it first!"

We help you

Unlock Stories That Matter.
Share Stories That Move People.

Storytelling is no “one and done.” Storytelling through video has the ability to drive business goals, illuminate stories that might otherwise go unheard, and create connections through emotional appeals.

Your story starts with YOU — and I promise you, it's a good one. Your unique story is, hands down, the best way to foster human connection, building more brand trust and loyalty with your internal and external stakeholders.

Does this sound like you?


You have a story to tell, you just don’t know how to shape it to make the most impact with your audience.


You’re ready to grow and connect with your audience organically, over time, through authentic online connections.


You’re excited and ready to commit the time and effort to work with us on creating original content that showcases your unique brand.

If so...awesome! You're in the right place.

Tamika with Camera
Tamika with Camera

Does this sound like you?


You have a story to tell, you just don’t know how to shape it to make the most impact with your audience.


You’re ready to grow and connect with your audience organically, over time, through authentic online connections.


You’re excited and ready to commit the time and effort to work with us on creating original content that showcases your unique brand.

If so...awesome! You're in the right place.

How Do We Do It?



Your story should always be at the core of any marketing strategy. From your institutional messaging to targeted campaigns, we help you develop an authentic narrative and key messages that are aligned with your business goals.



Content is queen and we create it. Effective storytelling is not only knowing what story to tell, but how to tell it. We create various types of nonfiction video content, like long-form impact videos, educational videos, and event videos for Chief Content Officers, CEOs, nonprofit fundraisers, and CSR leaders.



We use your impact stories to help drive your business goals, connecting directly with your target audience, meeting them where they are. Whether you want to meet a fundraising goal, engage your employees, or boost brand loyalty with your customers, sharing your story in the right place with the right audience is how we inspire action – and achieve results.

Communicating your organization’s social impact through sharing stories builds a deeper relationship with your audience, but if you want to inspire them to mirror what you’re doing and take action – you’ll want to use video.

Because the brain activates mirror neurons while watching videos, we put ourselves in the shoes of the person going through the story. Often unconsciously, we then mirror these actions or emotions. This enables us to emotionally bond with a story and interpret it in a way that inspires action. (Harvard Business Review)

Furthering the impact through video, Corporate Citizenship efforts within organizations can make more of a difference when utilizing video storytelling to create bonds with employees through nonfiction stories. For example, highlighting their work or simply who they are as a person through profile stories. Employees who feel supported, valued, and engaged are more loyal to your company or organization in the long run. 

Have a challenge with turnover? Well, employees with the highest levels of engagement are 87% less likely to voluntarily leave their employer. (Zippia)

When it comes to public-facing Corporate Social Responsibility communication, a common challenge is the need for more compelling storytelling that isn’t just left on a page in a long report. When CSR reports use dry and technical language that few inside or outside the organization understand, the story gets lost in facts and figures. However, this is still a common way most organizations communicate their valuable impact.

85% of the S&P 500 companies publish such reports, which often are longer than their annual financial reports. (Harvard Business Review)

How can your organization start communicating your impact in a way that jumps off the page? Meet with us to CULTIVATE your impact story, CREATE your nonfiction video content, and CONNECT the story with your key stakeholders to drive them to take action.

Ready to get this party started? Click the button below to fill out a short form and we'll be in touch about next steps. We can't wait to hear your story!