Entrepreneurship: Would You Do It Again? Here’s My Answer.

There’s a lot to celebrate in today’s episode of Lift U Up: Inspiring Health Stories! Host Tamika Bickham sits down for another solo episode, to celebrate 3 years full-time in her business and her birthday! Over the last 3 years of building the TB Media brand, Tamika reflects on the good, the bad, and the lessons learned. Looking back, would she do it all again? 

The Cons

Along with the rewards of running your own business, there are challenges that come with the territory, especially in the first few years.

1. The money. Tamika shares that when you’re growing your business, you’re not going to be making the same paycheck you would in the corporate world. You are paying yourself what you can, but you are investing back into your business. 

2. The time. Along with money, you are also investing your time as a business owner. And being honest, it gets tiring! Building a business from scratch means spending more time on it, and less time on yourself. 

The Pros

Even with the challenges she’s faced, Tamika has many pros that keep her moving forward in her business and building it into what she hopes for the future. 

1. The freedom. When you work for yourself, your schedule is your own to build. If you’re a morning person, or someone who likes working on the weekends, building your day how YOU want it is a big perk to being your own boss. 

2. Effecting change. Tamika shares that in her experience, creating change has been easier from the outside (as a service provider) than on the inside as an employee. This makes her work even more rewarding every time.

3. No politics. With an office, comes office politics – something Tamika was happy to leave behind.

4. The salary potential. When you build your own business, the only limit on your money potential is set by you, not someone else. 

5. The diversified income. A job is just one source of income, and unfortunately jobs are not always guaranteed. By building her business with multiple clients, Tamika has multiple sources of income that provides better stability. 

The Conclusion

Looking at those lists, it’s not surprising that if Tamika could do it all over again, she would! Looking back, she is very proud of what she has accomplished, the lessons she has learned, and the business she has built. Nothing gives you the freedom of what she has today, and she looks forward to continuing to grow.

If you own your own business, would you do it again? We would love to hear your story!

What else can you expect in this episode?

  • Why long days were necessary for Tamika when building her business. 
  • Examples of how Tamika has used the freedom in her schedule to build a routine that works best for her. 
  • How building her team of diverse talent made her business stronger, and why she did it.