Marketing Strategies To Implement in 2022 For Big Business Growth with Tamika Bickham

We’re getting you ready for 2022 and talking all things marketing on Episode 83 of Lift U Up: Inspiring Health Stories: Marketing Strategies To Implement in 2022 For Big Business Growth! In an ever-changing marketing landscape that’s been tossed upside down by a global pandemic, data privacy concerns, and artificial intelligence – the need to adapt and grow online is more important than ever. Host Tamika Bickham sits down for a solo episode, to break down her tips you should implement this year to continue your growth no matter the size of your business or brand. 

Tamika’s Tips for 2022

Let’s dive into marketing strategies that have worked for us at TB Media Group, and how they can work for you too in 2022.

  1. LinkedIn – There are 740 million users and it’s growing every day. According to this Forbes article, LinkedIn continues to be a rising star in the digital space. Tamika has closed deals of the most value on LinkedIn. Why? It’s the mindset that people are in when they are on the platform – the mindset of doing business. LinkedIn is actively making many positive updates to the platform and still has great organic reach, so don’t get left behind. This is one of the greatest tools to build your business if you are service-based or B2B.
  1. Online & Virtual Events – These aren’t going away…EVER. Let’s face it. The pandemic has changed our lives forever, and even if there is ever a day that it is “over”, people like the convenience of joining a meeting or event online. Make it work for you! Try creating your own masterclass, panel discussion, or training session, whether it’s 100% virtual or a hybrid event. You’ll make your message more accessible to a wider audience, and that’s a win-win.
  1. Creating At Least One Content Piece – This is how you inform and educate your audience…a.k.a build your know, like, and trust factor with them. You need to show up in at least one form of content. Don’t try to master them all if you are just starting. This can be a blog, podcast, video series, or ebook. Whatever comes most naturally to you and is easy for you to remain consistent with. Which leads us to our next point…
  2. Create & Share Consistently – Consistency is nothing new when it comes to marketing, but it’s still worthy of remaining on this list. Whatever you decide to commit to, do it with consistency. That can be one time per week, every other week, or one time per month. Commit to creating content on a schedule and execute it. Your audience and community will grow to expect this from you, and then you are well on your way to converting them from fans into your customers.
  3. Authentic Storytelling – You know we had to include storytelling on this list, right? That is what we do, and for good reason. People do business with people they can trust, and that they have a connection with. You build a connection when there are commonalities, which can be explored and discovered through storytelling. Our challenge to you this year is to get a little more vulnerable than you were in 2021. Tell us more about you. Be real. It shouldn’t be perfect. It can be messy. Your audience will appreciate that from you and you will continue to build trust. Let’s level up! 
  4. Take A Stand – According to Sprout Social, 70% of consumers believe it’s important for brands to take a stand on public issues. This is the importance of having a mission and values. Your customers want to feel aligned with your beliefs. Establish them and communicate them with your audience. We expect this number to continue to grow.    

Another way to do this is partnering with nonprofit organizations. According to this article by Inc., engaging nonprofits will be a big part of marketing plans this year. Tamika did this right here on this podcast by featuring at least one nonprofit every month. Why? Because purpose-driven brands, which especially include nonprofits, provide for great storytelling opportunities, and she’s passionate about them. In fact, it helped her win a grant from Facebook. In short, figure out what you can do to sponsor, advocate for, or partner with a nonprofit that is aligned with your beliefs. Don’t be afraid to make your voice heard on those important issues.

What We’re Leaving in 2021

Bonus: There are a few things we can certainly leave behind in the new year. Boy, bye.

  1. Doing less online marketing – Why would you stop? Not seeing returns? Spending too much time? Figure out what works for you instead of putting a hard stop on the fastest growing marketing space – the digital space. Trust us, there is something that works for everyone, and it doesn’t happen overnight.
  2. Trying to do everything – You don’t need to show up everywhere, but you do need to have a presence. You’ll burn yourself out trying to show up perfectly on every platform and use every marketing tool, which then leads to number 1 on this list. Find one or two key places that bring in the business and dominate. It may take some trial and error, but that’s okay.
  3. Automating everything – Don’t do this. Yes, simplify. Yes, automate where it makes sense. But you can’t – CAN NOT – automate real connections with real people. Remember, that building worthwhile relationships takes time and effort. We’re in this thing for the long haul, so you’ve got to make that long term, hands-on investment in the right places.

What do you think? What marketing strategies work for you? What do you want to start doing in 2022? What are you leaving back in 2021? 

Share your thoughts with Tamika by sending her an email at or let us know your thoughts on this episode by leaving us a review on Apple Podcasts or commenting below on Youtube.

What else can you expect in this episode?

  • What to do when attending virtual events to build stronger connections with other attendees
  • How Tamika has used giving back to grow her brand
  • The marketing automation fail that Tamika witnessed first-hand