Telling Health Care Stories During A Pandemic with Tania Leets
In March of 2020, all eyes were suddenly on healthcare systems and their nurses, doctors, and staff across the country as we all faced a life-changing experience unlike anything in our lifetime before…a pandemic. But what does this mean for marketing and communications teams working in our healthcare systems?
Tania Leets is a former journalist, a storyteller, and the Senior Communications Specialist for Jackson Health System. On Episode 7 of Lift U Up: Inspiring Health Stories Tania tells us the story behind the photo that went viral, how they quickly changed storytelling and marketing strategies during this time, and how you can do it in your own organization.
Tania’s career in journalism started early, in the third grade, where she was chosen to host the morning news broadcast for her fellow classmates. Her early love for storytelling led her to pursue a career in local and government television and eventually pivot to working in the healthcare industry. While she didn’t have healthcare experience, she knew her ability to share the stories that mattered would help her success in this role – and she was right.
Navigating this new territory, Tania is able to balance the negativity that often comes from news outlets with positive stories, patient successes, and technical innovations that happen on the campuses of Jackson Health System each day.
Today, as we are all living through the COVID-19 pandemic, Tania has seen a shift in her role like most others. She walks us through how her focus changed along with her organization’s digital content, and how important conversations has to be had with both internal and external audiences.
Tania gives great advice for businesses and business owners who are navigating themselves through these unparalleled times. She shares that no matter your role, you can implement some of her advice into your strategy to come out on top of these uncertain times.
At the end of the day, stories make us all human.
What else can you expect in this episode?
- Why people want to see content they relate to.
- The impactful photo she shared that went viral, and why she thinks that happened.
- Tania’s advice for how to share content from within your organization in an authentic way.
- Why creating your own moments to share is better than waiting for the media to come around.
- The personal way COVID-19 has impacted her.

Where to find Tania Leets:
- Follow Tania on social: Twitter | LinkedIn
- Find Jackson Health System on social: Instagram | Facebook
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About the Host
I’m an award-winning journalist who painstakingly walked away from the thing I worked so hard for — my career in local TV news. By accident, I turned my love of telling stories into a full time business. On purpose, I run a video and content marketing agency who tells visual stories for health & happiness brands.